Make Money Blogging Using These 8 Secret Blogging Tips!
Posted on April 5th, 2012 No comments<code><h1>These blogging tips are a great way to share with new blogger that are interested in a way to get paid to blog.</h1><h1> </h1></code><a href=”http://askdanjohnson.com/?attachment_id=3445″ rel=”attachment wp-att-3445″><img src=”http://askdanjohnson.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/blogging-tips.jpg” alt=”blogging tips” title=”Make Money Blogging Using These 8 Secret Blogging Tips!” width=”217″ height=”232″ class=”alignright size-full wp-image-3445″ /></a>
Having a blog is almost a must for any network marketer today. Once you have your blog set up, in order to make money blogging, you can no longer rely on the old ways to generate traffic to your site. Today, you must be creative and these 8 blogging tips should be of great benefit to you.
One of the blogging tips is to take advantage of 2.0 marketing. Getting on the different social networks where people are congregating to talk and visit. If you’re new and know absolutely nothing about how to make money blogging then these 8 blogging tips should help you get started.
1)<code><h2>One of the first blogging tips that you need to know is how to drive traffic to your blog.</h2><h2></h2></code>
Driving large amounts of traffic to your blog will insure that you make money blogging. One way to get your blog found is to learn how to optimize it for the different search engines and using a SEO plug in like SeoPressor will make the job very easy for you. It will pinpoint all the areas that need to be addressed for high ranking and optimizing your blog site is also one of the great blogging tips.
Using article marketing, forum posting and commenting on other blogs is three blogging tips that I would urge you to implement immediately. This creates back linking and helps in raising your rank with sites like Google.
2)<code><h3>Be sure to Optimize your blog name is one of the best blogging tips that I could give you.</h3><h3></h3></code>
When you choose a domain name for your blog, be sure that the name contains your keywords and that the domain name is easy to spell. The name must tell the prospect what your blog is about. You only have 30 seconds to get a prospects attention.
3)Placing advertising on your blog is another way to get paid to blog!
Google offers a program called ad sense where you get paid each time someone visits your site and clicks on an ad that might interest them.
Amazon and Click bank are other companies that will pay you a commission but only if someone clicks on and buys something.
4)Making money blogging requires some Link Building!
You can activity offer to exchange links with other blogs that are involved in the same topic as you. This blogging tip has been used by some of the top bloggers because they know that search engines will increase your rank based on the number and the quality of links pointing back to your blog.
5)You can also join paid blogging networks as well!
Check out other sites for programs that are being promoted or new start ups and write a review on those services. People love to read “how to” or “reviews” to get information before they make a purchase.
6)If you want to get paid to blog, Update your blog on a regular basis!
I would suggest updating your blog at least 2 or 3 times a week so that your readers have constant new content to keep them involved.
Post a new article or make a new video and post it to your blog occasionally. This blogging tip will keep your customers actively reading and re-reading your blog on a weekly basis.
7)Once you write your blog post, check it for grammar and spelling.
In order to make money blogging and look like a professional doing it, prospects will not accept bad grammar or massive spelling errors. I suggest writing your blog post, then letting it set for 24 hours, come back, read it again and you will easily find errors that were overlooked on the first reading.
8)Be Original
Prospects and readers don’t want to read the same ole rehashed jargon over and over, so take this marketing tip to heart and give them something new and refreshing. Allow your personality to come through as you write your post, some people say that you should write like you talk.
Give that a try and test the results for yourself. If you’re new and want to make money blogging, use these blogging tips as a guide to help you grow your blog, practice your writing skills daily and weekly and with each improvement you should see traffic start to migrate to your blog just from using these blogging tips.
These blogging tips will only work for you if you go out and put them to use.
Start Making Money on Line Today, click on the flashing box under my <a target=”_blank” href=”http://askdanjohnson.com”>blog picture</a><br />and get your Free information.. Get more information on how to start earning today, click here: <a target=”_blank” href=”http://wkathome.mlsp.com“>MLSP</a><br/>
Business From Home Benefits
Posted on December 14th, 2011 No commentsStarting your own business from home can be one of the most rewarding actions you will ever take. Do you like your current job? Most people say they hate their job but don’t do anything to change their current situation. Even if you love you job would an extra income benefit you? Working just a few hours a week you can build a substantial business from home. Are you worried about taking the first step & need some help & guidance along the way? How about free ongoing training & mentorship, would that be of benefit to you? How about if your initial investment was returned to you if you gather a few customers in your first 90 days? How many start up business from home opportunities can promise you that? Do you want to build up a business that you can sell or pass on to your kids? How about building up a passive ongoing income that you can benefit from even if you decide to stop working? I have not come across any other business from home opportunity that offers you these options.
<a href=”http://business-from-home.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/body17.jpg”><img src=”http://business-from-home.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/body17-300×199.jpg” alt=”Business From Home” title=”Business From Home” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></a>Like me were you told as a kid to “do well at school”? “go to university”? get a “good job”? all good advice, but is it? Lets look at most peoples plan in life; Do well at school, pass your exams, go to university, get a degree, get a job, work your way up the “ladder” then retire. Sound familiar? What happens if you don’t like school? What happens if you can’t get into university or more likely can’t afford university? What happens if you can’t get a job? What happens if you get a job but then get made redundant? What happens if you are sick? What happens if you reach retirement age but can’t afford to retire? after all if you struggle to live on your current wage now, how can you survive on 1/3 of that wage after retirement? It seems to me that most peoples life plan is totally flawed. OK, so you don’t follow most people, you have chosen to make your own way in life & are self employed, what happens if you are sick? Do you enjoy hiring staff? What happens when you decide you want to stop working, will you still get paid? Why not take control of your destiny & join what I believe to be the best current UK business from home opportunity, you don’t have to have been great at school, you don’t have to have a degree, you don’t need any previous training, you don’t need any staff, you don’t need to stock any product, you don’t need to chase people for payment, you don’t need to do it on your own. For a FREE DVD please CLICK HEREFed Up with your Current Job
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Learn To Use This Free Internet Website Marketing Tool
Posted on July 17th, 2011 No comments<h1>Make the Most of a Free Internet Website Marketing Tool.</h1><a href=”http://internetmarketinghelptoday.net/?
attachment_id=857″ rel=”attachment wp-att-857″><img src=”http://internetmarketinghelptoday.net/wp-
content/uploads/2011/07/twitter-marketing.jpg” alt=”website marketing tool” title=”website marketing tool” width=”140″
height=”140″ class=”alignright size-full wp-image-857″ /></a>
<h2>Are you looking for the best free internet website marketing tool? </h2>The bad news is that it is probably hard to
determine the best one, since it depends on your business, your target audience, the marketplace, and other issues.
<h3>But the good news is that there is a website marketing tool</h3> that you can take advantage of to build your image/brand
and obtain leads and sales.
Twitter is a great website marketing tool to use. Its popularity increases exponentially every month and many new free
“Twitter-enhancing” products have also come out that can allow you to automate your Twitter website marketing tool account
and save time. Twitter is extremely easy to use.
Sign up for an free website marketing tool account, upload your picture, write a brief description of what you want to say,
and include whatever website marketing tool url you would like to promote, such as your website or an affiliate link.
Next, you “tweet” something out to the world. Try to keep it conversational and social. Avoid too much website marketing tool
promotion. If someone likes what you have to say, they will check out your profile and your link.
Then, you will look for people to follow–people who could be interested in what you are offering. You can search by keyword
to target the audience that you would like to follow. When you follow someone, they will generally follow you back, and then
you can let them know more about yourself and what you have to offer, and they will do the same.
Another very fundamental-to-your-online-business free internet marketing tool is the Google Keyword Research Tool. No matter
what kind of marketing you do online, you will need to tap into the keywords that are relevant to your business. You will use
these keywords in your blog, website, PPC ads, articles, videos, and any other type of marketing that you do.And the free Google website marketing tool allows you to find the exact keywords to target in your promotions–for free.
Simply type in a word or phrase that relates to your business, and the website marketing tool will provide you with a list of
all related keywords that people are typing in, how many people are typing each term, and how competitive the terms are (how
many other marketers are using them in their marketing efforts).
Videos are another very powerful, and free website marketing tool, that you can use to market your business. All you need is
a web-cam or a digital camera, and one to ten minutes of time to make a video.
Simply upload it to YouTube or any of the other video sites, write a description of what you are speaking about in your video
(make sure to include the right keywords), and include your link, and you’ve got a magnet for people who are searching for
whatever it is that you are speaking about or demonstrating on your video.
As you can see, there is more than just one free internet marketing tool that you can use to promote your business or
affiliate products.
Get started building your business today and learn quick ways to earn money online. Get more information by visiting <a
target=”_blank” href=”http://internetmarketinghelptoday.net”>my blog</a><br />and get your Free info to start earning
today,click here: <a target=”_blank” href=”http://wkathome.mlsp.com”>MLSP</a><br/>
Work From Home Affiliate Link, Bad News, Brief Description, Free Marketing, Free Website Marketing, H3, Image Brand, Img Src, Internet Marketing, Internet Website Marketing, Look For People, Lt, Marketing Promotion, Marketing Tool, Marketing Website, Marketplace, Popularity Increases, Target Audience, Twitter, Wp -
Achieve Internet Marketing Success Using These Insider Tips!
Posted on May 28th, 2011 No comments<code><h1>Becoming an Internet marketing success is a goal that a lot of online marketers are trying to achieve but most are having no luck at all.</h1><h1></h1></code>
Instead of making money online, most are actually loosing it. Most new Internet marketers first need to learn <a href=”http://askdanjohnson.com/?attachment_id=3606″ rel=”attachment wp-att-3606″><img src=”http://askdanjohnson.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/internet-marketing-success.jpg” alt=”Internet marketing success” title=”Achieve Internet Marketing Success Using These Insider Tips!” width=”241″ height=”209″ class=”alignright size-full wp-image-3606″ /></a>marketing, SEO, advertising and also how to setup a basic website.
<code><h2>All these things must be taken into consideration if you want to be an Internet marketing success.</h2><h2></h2></code>
To make money with a new website, you need to generate a lot of traffic to your site. Learning how to market can do this.
If you’re just starting, check out some of the affiliate offers, which come with a product, a website and plenty of pre-written ad copy that you can use right off the bat. This may not make you an instant Internet marketing success but it will start to put money into your pocket, which you will need.
Click bank is an excellent affiliate program that any beginner can start to use and then build up from there. If you’re new to building websites, check out Squidoo, hub pages and word press. All of these sites are easy to use and come with step-by-step instructions on how to set them up. This is just one technique that you can use to become an Internet marketing success.
Once you have your website in place and you’ve started to advertise, the next step for you to do would be build a list. Adding a capture page and an auto responder to your marketing plan will accomplish this.
By capturing a prospects information, name and email address, you are able to offer them other products that you choose to market without spamming. Remember, they did opt into your mailing list.
Social networks are a great place to build your list as well. Just let your friends know about you website and a little about what you’re offering and they too may want to opt in. Writing articles about your business and your website is a good Internet marketing tip that you should also use.
Search engines love articles and treats them like late breaking news, so they get indexed immediately. Using all these steps will escalate your Internet marketing success and move your career forward at a record pace. As you learn more and more about Internet marketing, use this information to form the content of your articles. Share what you have learned and new marketers will start to look at you as a leader in the industry.
<code><h3>Once you establish yourself as a leader, people tend to want to follow and that makes becoming an Internet marketing success that much easier to obtain.</h3><h3></h3></code>
Freebies are a great way to get new visitors to opt into your mailing list. Free Ebooks, videos or write up a 15-page report that most marketers would find to be useful. Prospects love free information so be sure to design some type of promo for them.
Once you have started to build your list, now you need to build a relationship with them, so that they will know you are real. I would suggest answering any and all comments that are left on your website. One idea that you might want to employ when allowing comments, is to moderate what’s being posted. This way spammers can’t swing by and leave their marketing message on your site, and this will and does happen.
If you want to talk to other marketers about Internet marketing success, do a search for forums that are in your same niche. This way you can swap ideas about marketing and lead generation, which is all vital to your success. As a new person in Internet marketing, rely heavily on using the top search engines like Goggle to dig and uncover information about different marketing techniques.
Learning how to write good ad content, or how to use PPC to get website traffic will all be valuable information for you and it’s all readily available at your fingertips.
If you’re willing to spend a minimum on getting traffic, signup for Goggle ad words program. You can have ads placed on other marketer’s sites using a marketing program called “ad sense”. It’s easy to setup and clicks on your ad could be as little as 15 cents.
Just use these Internet marketing success tips and don’t get discouraged if success isn’t an over night thing.
Get started today building your own business, not someone else’s. You can be the boss.Get more information on Digital Bankroll. Just click on <a target=”_blank” href=”http://internetmarketinginbusiness.com”>Here </a><br /> and get the information that you need.